Concentrated aerobic enzymes of the latest generation with essential oils for beddings. The product is dissolved in water at 4% and evenly sprayed to reduce the smell (and onset of insects) and fermentation of beddings on the aerobic processes (presence of oxygen) that produce a limited amount of ammonia and volatile acids. This solution is ideal for any type of bedding in the boxes. It is not suitable for permanent beddings because the same require anaerobic enzymes that work without oxygen.
Product Category: Aerobic organic degradation regulator to be used on surfaces.
Intended use: For organic degradation and to kill unpleasant smells in the boxes’ beddings. Dilute in water at 4%.
Application: For environmental use. SU21: use for consumption. SU22: professional use.
Safety Data Sheet: Yes (UE 830/2015 Reg.)
Active Ingredients: Blend of aerobic organic enzymes in a broth-like preparation: natural essential oils.
Inserted in the Superior Health Institute's database: Yes
Color: Amber
Smell: Essential oils
Lot n.: Yes Expiry date: 5 years
Farmadati (pharmaceutical data firm) and EAN13 codes: Yes
Label pictograms: None
Anti-bite for wood. Habit breaker to hinder the dangerous horse's habit to bite on the woodwork. It strengthens wood, protects it from external agents and organic products, and it doesn't attract insects. It is not harmful for the horse.
Product Category: Water-based liquid solution with habit breaking agents to prevent horses from biting. Ready to use spray
Intended use: To break the habits of horses.
Application: For environmental use. SU21: use for consumption. SU22: professional use.
Safety Data Sheet: Yes (UE 830/2015 Reg.)
Active Ingredients: AS: 8011-48-1 Pure Plant Tar, CAS: 64-17-5 Ethanol; CAS: 1310-58-3 Potassium hydroxide.
Inserted in the Superior Health Institute's database: Yes
Color: Dark
Smell: Tar
Lot n.: Yes Expiry date: 5 years
Farmadati (pharmaceutical data firm) and EAN13 codes: Yes
Label pictograms:
Disinfectant for civil use.
Medical-surgical device.
CREOLINA®is a highly effective against bacteria, mold, fungi.
CREOLINA® does not attract insects, birds, rodents and wild boars.
Brand ownership: Guglielmo Pearson Srl
Product Category: MINISTRY OF HEALTH REGISTRATION N. 148/10. Medical-surgical device. Disinfectant for civil use. Dilute in water at 3%.
Intended use: To disinfect non-food surfaces.
Application: SU21: use for consumption. SU22: professional use.
Safety Data Sheet: Yes (UE 830/2015 Reg.)
Active Ingredients: CAS 59-50-7 Chlorocresol 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 8.35%; CAS 120-32-1 Chlorophen 2-benzyl-4-chlorophenol 3.81%.
Inserted in the Superior Health Institute's database: Yes
Color: Dark
Smell: Characteristic
Lot n.: Yes Expiry date: 2 years
Farmadati (pharmaceutical data firm) and EAN13 codes: Yes
Label pictograms:
Packs of: 1000 – 5000 ml
CREOLINA® Pronto Uso
Disinfectant for civil use.
Ministry of health registration n. 20094
Medical-surgical device.
It is the ready to use CREOLINA® Pmc 148/10 version. Pine scent, the product is irreplaceable when disinfecting or removing dirt from surfaces covered with feces, urine and blood.
Brand ownership: Guglielmo Pearson Srl
Product Category: Ministry of health registration n. 20094 Medical-surgical device. Disinfectant for civil use. Ready to use
Intended use: To disinfect non-food surfaces.
Application: SU21: use for consumption. SU22: professional use.
Safety Data Sheet: Yes (UE 830/2015 Reg.)
Active Ingredients: CAS 59-50-7 Chlorocresol 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 0.25%; CAS 120-32-1 Chlorophen 2-benzyl-4-chlorophenol 0.11%.
Inserted in the Superior Health Institute's database: Yes
Color: Dark
Smell: Pine
Farmadati (pharmaceutical data firm) and EAN13 codes: Yes
Lot n.: Yes Expiry date: 2 years
Label pictograms: None
Pack of: 700 ml, with 12-piece display.