Muscle cream. Especially indicated as an adjuvant in the treatment of traumatic pathologies for sport horses, especially in case of edema. It is also helpful in case of traumas, compressions, distortions, contusions, localized acute and chronic pain, and joint pain in general.
Product Category: Glyceric cream with kaolin, methyl salicylate, peppermint, eucalyptus oil and boric acid.
Intended use:  To soothe the horse's skin and limbs. Ready for application.
Application: External use. Veterinary product for horses. SU21: use for consumption. SU22: professional use.
Safety Data Sheet: Yes  (UE 830/2015 Reg.)
Active ingredients: CAS: 119-36-8 Methyl salicylate; CAS: 90063-97-1 Peppermint; CAS:84625-32-1 Eucalyptus Oil.
Inserted in the Superior Health Institute's database: Yes
Color: Gray
Smell:  Eucalyptus
Lot n.: Yes        Expiry date: 5 years
Farmadati (pharmaceutical data firm) and EAN13 codes: Yes
Label pictograms: None

Pack of: 1500 gr


Natural white clay with Arnica and Lemon; rich in mineral salts for an astringent action. It helps horses cool down and promotes the re-absorption of synovial fluids. It is also useful in toning swollen hocks, shins and legs.
Product Category: Water-based cream with mineral Salts, arnica and lemon.
Intended use: Adjuvant in the osmotic treatment of the fluids in the horse's limbs for a soothing effect. Ready for application.
Application: External use. Veterinary product for horses. SU21: use for consumption. SU22: professional use.
Safety Data Sheet: Yes  (UE 830/2015 Reg.)
Active ingredients: CAS: 5989–27-550 (R )-P-Mint-1.8-Diolefin; CAS: 127-91-310 Beta Pinene; CAS: 26172-55-4 5-Chloro-2-Methyl-Isothiazol-3 (2H) -one; CAS: 2682-20-4 2-Methylisothiazol-3(2H)-one; Glycolic extract from arnica.
Inserted in the Superior Health Institute's database: Yes
Color: White
Smell: Lemon mint
Lot n.: Yes        Expiry date: 5 years
Farmadati (pharmaceutical data firm) and EAN13 codes: Yes
Label pictograms: None

Pack of: 3000 gr


Muscle toning gel indicated for massages when preparing horses for physical exercise; also used to cool down and relax after muscular effort.
Product Category: Hydroalcoholic-based semi-solid paste with aromas and toning-soothing substances.
Intended use: For a toning and relaxing action on the muscles. Ready for application.
Application: External use. Veterinary product for horses. SU21: use for consumption. SU22: professional use.
Safety Data Sheet: Yes  (UE 830/2015 Reg.)
Active ingredients: CAS: 2216-51-5 Mint; CAS: 119-36-8 Methyl salicylate; CAS: 8002-66-2 Chamomile.
Inserted in the Superior Health Institute's database: Yes
Color: White
Smell: Menthol
Lot n.: Yes        Expiry date: 5 years
Farmadati (pharmaceutical data firm) and EAN13 codes: Yes
Label pictograms: None

Pack of: 500 ml


Muscle heating gel. Adjuvant used to soothe pain and inflammation of the tendons, muscles and ligaments.
Product Category: Gelatin-based paste with iodide and agents that fight against muscular water retention.
Intended use: To eliminate fluid retention in the legs with a heating effect. Ready for application.
Application: External use. Veterinary product for horses. SU21: use for consumption. SU22: professional use.
Safety Data Sheet: Yes  (UE 830/2015 Reg.)
Active ingredients: CAS: 1310-73-2 Sodium hydroxide; CAS: 84625-32-1 Eucalyptus Oil; CAS. 93-60-7 Methyl nicotine; CAS: 90063-97-1 Peppermint; CAS: 7681-11-0 Potassium iodide.
Inserted in the Superior Health Institute's database: Yes
Color: Amber
Smell: Eucalyptus, Mint
Lot n.: Yes        Expiry date: 5 years
Farmadati (pharmaceutical data firm) and EAN13 codes: Yes

Label pictograms:   

Pack of: 500 ml


Softening cream for red, sore, dry and chapped skin. It softens skin and restores its normal elasticity.
Product Category: Water-based semi-solid paste with natural medicinal active ingredients.
Intended use: For a softening and moisture-restoring action on the skin of horses. Ready for application.
Application: External use. Veterinary product for horses. SU21: use for consumption. SU22: professional use.
Safety Data Sheet: Yes  (UE 830/2015 Reg.)
Active ingredients: CAS: 56-81-5 Plant-based glycerin; Yellow virgin wax; Lanocerina; White virgin wax; CAS: 8007-69-0 Almond oil; Wheat germ oil; Linseed oil; Olive oil.
Inserted in the Superior Health Institute's database: Yes
Color: Light
Smell: Sivania
Lot n.: Yes        Expiry date: 5 years
Farmadati (pharmaceutica data firm) and EAN13 codes: Yes
Label pictograms: None

Pack of: 500 ml


Restructuring Skin Gel with Collagen and Allantoin. It significantly helps skin grow back on healing wounds.
Product Category: Water-based dermoprotective gel paste with zinc oxide, collagen and essences
Intended use: For the treatment of horse skin. Ready for application.
Application: External use. Veterinary product for horses. SU21: use for consumption. SU22: professional use.
Safety Data Sheet: Yes  (UE 830/2015 Reg.)
Active ingredients:  CAS: 1314-13-2 Zinc oxide; Hydrolyzed collagen; Calendula; Codfish liver oil; allantoin; CAS: 90063-97-1  Mint oil.
Inserted in the Superior Health Institute's database: Yes
Color: Light
Smell: Mint
Lot n.: Yes        Expiry date: 5 years
Farmadati (pharmaceutical data firm) and EAN13 codes: Yes
Label pictograms: None

Pack of: 500 ml

ARNICA 100’s relaxing

Extra strong relaxing  gel with Devil's claw, for external use, indicated for muscular massage in cases of preparation for the physical exercise of the horse. It relaxing after muscular effort. Natural adjuvant to combat tenderness, joint, muscle, skeletal and ligament tenderness and inflammation.
Product category: Water-based gelled solution containing essences.
Intended use: Intended for the treatment of the horse's skin. Ready to use spreadable.
Application: External use. Veterinary product for horses. SU21: uses for consumption.SU22: professional uses.
Safety Data Sheet: Yes (Reg.UE 830/2015)
Active ingredients: Arnica glycolic extract; Glycolic extract of Artiglio del Diavolo; Arnica water.
Inserted in the Superior Health Institute's database: No
Color: Light color
Smell: Salicylate
Lot n.: Yes Expiry date: 5 years
Farmadati (pharmaceutical data firm) and EAN13 codes: Yes
Label pictograms: None

Pack of: 500 ml.

ARNICA 100’s cooling

Extra strong cooling gel with Devil's Claw  and Menthol for external use; it is used to massage the horse's muscles in order to prepare them for physical exercise. It is also used after muscular effort for a cool down and relaxing effect. Natural adjuvant used to soothe pain and inflammation of the tendons, muscles and ligaments.
Product Category: Water-based gel solution with essences.
Intended use: For the treatment of horse skin. Ready for application.
Application: External use. Veterinary product for horses. SU21: use for consumption.    SU22: professional use.
Safety Data Sheet: Yes  (UE 830/2015 Reg.)
Active ingredients: CAS: 2216-51-5 Mint; CAS: 8006-90-4 Peppermint oil; CAS: 470-82-6 1.8-Cineole; CAS: 80-56-8 Pin-2(3)-ene; CAS: 5989-27-5 (R )-P-Mint-1,8-Diolefin; Glycolic Arnica extract; Glycolic extract of  Devil's Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens); Arnica water.
Inserted in the Superior Health Institute's database: Yes
Color: Light
Smell: Menthol
Lot n.: Yes        Expiry date: 5 years
Farmadati (pharmaceuticla data firm) and EAN13 codes: Yes
Label pictograms: None

Pack of: 500 ml

ARNICA 100’s heating

Extra strong heating gel with Devil's Claw  and Wintergreen for external use; it is used to massage the horse's muscles in order to prepare them for physical exercise. It is also used after muscular effort for a cool down and relaxing effect. Natural adjuvant used to soothe pain and inflammation of the tendons, muscles and ligaments.
Product Category: Water-based thermogenic gel solution with essences.
Intended use: For the treatment of horse skin. Ready for application.
Application: External use. Veterinary product for horses. SU21: use for consumption. SU22: professional use.
Safety Data Sheet: Yes  (UE 830/2015 Reg.)
Active ingredients: CAS: 122-99-6 Phenoxyethanol; CAS: 203-806-2 Cyclohexane; Glycolic Arnica extract; Glycolic extract of  Devil's Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens); Arnica water.
Inserted in the Superior Health Institute's database: Yes
Color: Amber
Smell: Salicylate
Lot n.: Yes        Expiry date: 5 years
Farmadati (pharmaceutical data firm) and EAN13 codes: Yes
Label pictograms: None

Pack of: 500 ml

ARNICA 100’s® balsamica

Gel extra forte balsamico con Artiglio del Diavolo e Canfora.
Gel per uso esterno, indicato per il massaggio muscolare nella  preparazione all’esercizio fisico del cavallo. Defaticante e rilassante dopo lo sforzo muscolare. Il suo forte effetto balsamico da un piacevole profumo aromatico alle narici. 
L’ARNICA 100’s® BALSAMICA Extra forte con la sua perfetta combinazione di Arnica, Artiglio del diavolo e Canfora in cristalli, è consigliata per tonificare tutta la muscolatura e grazie ai componenti balsamici, anche per i massaggi muscolari a livello pettorale e del collo favorendo la respirazione del cavallo. Immediatamente all‘applicazione si otterrà un piacevole effetto balsamico.
Categoria prodotto: Soluzione gelificata a base acquosa contenente essenze.
Utilizzazione preparato: Destinato al trattamento della cute del cavallo. Prodotto spalmabile.Uso esterno. Questa miscela non è classificata come pericolosa ai sensi del regolamento (CE) n. 1272/2008.
Settore di utilizzo: Uso esterno. Prodotto veterinario per equini. SU21: usi al consumo.SU22: usi professionali.
Scheda di sicurezza: Si  (Reg.UE 830/2015)
Contiene: CAS: 84625-32-1 Eucalyptus Globulus ext.; CAS: 39236-46-9 Urea, N,N''-methylenebis[N'-[3- (hydroxymethyl)-2,5-dioxo-4- imidazolidinyl]; CAS: 122-99-6 2-fenossietanolo fenil glicol; CAS: 64-02-8 etilendiamminotetraacetato di tetrasodio; CAS: 76-22-2 Bicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-one, 1,7,7-trimethyl; CAS: 119-36-8 Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, methyl ester; Estratto glicolico  di Arnica; Estratto glicolico  di Artiglio del Diavolo; Acqua di Arnica.

INFORMAZIONI SUPPLEMENTARI: EUH208: Contiene Eucalyptus globulus, ext., Urea, N,N''-methylenebis[N'-[3-(hydroxymethyl)- 2,5-dioxo-4-imidazolidinyl]-. Può provocare una reazione allergica.
Inserito su banca dati Istituto Superiore Sanità: No
Colore: Ambrato
Odore: Eucaliptus e Canfora
N°lotto: Si         Data scadenza: 5 anni
Codice Farmadati e EAN13: Si
Pittogrammi etichetta: Nessuno. Prodotto classificato non pericoloso ai senso del Reg.CE 1272/2008

Il nome ARNICA 100's® è un marchio in esclusiva della GUGLIELMO PEARSON SRL - GENOVA

Confezione: 500 ml.


Classic cream with natural propolis extract; anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. It significantly helps skin grow back on healing wounds.
Product Category: Oil-based semi-solid paste with propolis.
Intended use: To soothe and naturally regenerate the horse's skin. Ready for application.
Application: External use. Veterinary product for horses. SU21: use for consumption.SU22: professional use.
Safety Data Sheet: Yes  (UE 830/2015 Reg.)
Active ingredients: Propolis
Inserted in the Superior Health Institute's database: Yes
Color: Amber
Smell: Propolis
Lot n.: Yes        Expiry date: 5 years
Farmadati (pharmaceutical data firm) and EAN13 codes: Yes
Label pictograms: None

Pack of: 50 ml


Cream with 22% Zinc Oxide and 22% starch, veterinarian recipe of Lassar's scar-healing paste. Strong skin astringent.
Product Category: Zinc oxide-based cream with starch and codfish liver oil.
Intended use: For an astringent action on the horse's skin. Ready for application.
Application: External use. Veterinary product for horses. SU21: use for consumption. SU22: professional use.
Safety Data Sheet: Yes  (UE 830/2015 Reg.)
Active ingredients: CAS: 1314-13-2 Zinc oxide; Starch; Codfish liver oil.
Inserted in the Superior Health Institute's database: Yes
Color: White
Smell: No
Lot n.: Yes        Expiry date: 5 years
Farmadati (pharmaceutical data firm) and EAN13 codes: Yes
Label pictograms:    


Pack of: 150 ml


Menthol-based cooling gel for muscles and tendons. Adjuvant used to soothe pain and inflammation of the limbs and tendons after intense effort.
Product Category: Hydroalcoholic solution with aromas and toning-soothing substances.
Intended use: For a cooling and toning action on the muscles and tendons.  Ready for application.
Application: External use. Veterinary product for horses. SU21: use for consumption. SU22: professional use.
Safety Data Sheet: Yes  (UE 830/2015 Reg.)
Active Ingredients:  CAS: 67-63-0 2-Propanol; Menthol; Glycolic extract of Fucus Vesiculosus and horse chestnut.
Inserted in the Superior Health Institute's database: Yes
Color: Light
Smell: Menthol
Lot n.: Yes        Expiry date: 5 years
Farmadati (pharmaceutical data firm) and EAN13 codes: Yes
Label pictograms: 

Pack of: 500 ml